Analog is Forever

We're a tiny-ass press in the Pacific Northwest, with a penchant for publishing titles in poetry.

But you know what they say: size matters not.

  • How We Curate

    We look for work that aims to answer that question: what is all of this goddamned for, anyway? Poetry comes from unexpected places, like gifts from long-gone friends that show up, unannounced, dropped at our feet. That’s what we’re after – the heart of the matter.

  • What We Look For

    As readers, our job is to find the emotional throughline in the work, and follow it from there. The line can be faint, or saturated, or curved, or in the shape of a metaphor. But if it’s there, we’ll know. But please – take us off the beaten path, somewhere new.

  • What We Do

    By and large, we make things that you come across offline. Like in the old days, when it was okay if it didn't pop up in your Instagram feed. Ostensibly, that means books, zines, maps, ephemera, perhaps records, and more. In short, we're looking to create moments of connectivity in this world of endless scroll.

  • How We Got Here

    Common Meter Press was founded by artists and writers in 2023 with a passion for music, poetry, and publishing at the intersection of this press.

Our First Book

Because you never forget your first.

Work With Us

Looking for a traditional press experience with a small, but mighty shop? Come back and see us during our next reading period.

Get Crackin'


At present, our press is by invitation only. Our first reading period will kick off this fall.